Minister and Staff
Lay Ministry
We do not have our own ordained minister in the pulpit at this time. We have guest ministers from around the country, "student" ministers, and lay people sharing the pulpit. We are experimenting with this process as a way to deepen our own connection to the pulpit and to allow for reflection on what type of minister we will look for the next time we search. Remember that Unitarian Universalists draw from a number of religious texts and philosophical writings, which means the diversity of Sunday Services we are now experiencing is rich in addition to being an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Erma Zurita, Office Administrator
Erma joined the UUCLV staff in December of 2018. Growing up as an Air Force brat gave her the opportunity to see many parts of the world. She moved to Las Vegas in 1980, at age 13, and loves it here. She is close with her family and relishes the time they spend together. Erma has worked in retail, delivery, and radio before moving into designing websites and social media. She is also a calligrapher and artist. Her interests include ancient history, science fiction, bullet journaling, and art.
Kathy Raible, Nursery Attendant
My name is Kathy Raible. I was born in Southern California on May 23rd. I came to Nevada in 1994. I am the mother of two daughters, one is 9 and the other is 18. You may see us around the church on Sundays as I just started as the new Nursery Attendant. I had a daycare business for several years and am now working as a Nanny during the week. Please stop by the Nursery if you get a chance to say hello.
Suzanne Estrada, Coffee Hour Coordinator
Suzanne is originally from California, and left because she needed to change her life. She has been in Las Vegas since 2003. She is currently a full-time student at CSN working on a Culinary and Pastry Arts Degree. She is an Army Veteran, a mother of two children, and artist. She loves when Sundays roll around because she totally loves what she does. When she is not in school or work, she enjoys staying at home with her boyfriend (also a Chef), or riding around town on their scooters. And when the time comes to sit it out or dance.......She's gonna dance! (wink)