Small Group Ministry
Chalice Circles and Seminarium are opportunities for a small number of members and friends of the congregation to reflect on topics important to the group and Unitarian Universalism. See additional information below.
Chalice CirclesOur Sunday Coffee Hour is a great way to meet people, but the busy and lively atmosphere can make it difficult to have heart-to-heart discussions about important topics with fellow seekers. If you're searching for a more personal and intimate UUCLV experience, please check out our Chalice Circles.
Chalice Circles, a small group ministry at UUCLV, began around 2006 and has been popular within our congregation. Roughly 50 members and friends take part in one of our Chalice Circles. Many members and friends of the congregation decide to join a Chalice Circle because a work schedule rarely allows attendance on Sundays. Chalice Circles are intimate groups no larger than 12 members. There is a session plan that includes a chalice lighting and opening words, a time for personal check-in, a reading that corresponds to the main topic, topic discussion, and a closing. Topics are wide, yet spiritually oriented. The sessions are facilitated by a Member(s) of the Congregation. Chalice Circles provide a chance to tell your story in an unique, supportive environment and allow you to make deeper connections with other people within the Circle. |
SeminariumIf you like to express yourself through the written word, then this is the group for you! Meetings are at least once a month at the main church, and focus on topics of interest to group members. Sessions are lead by its members and leadership rotated.
First Seminarium Chalice Circle meets from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the UUCLV Library on selected Fridays. Please see our calendar for a current listing of dates. For more information, contact Terry Sokey at [email protected]. Second Seminarium Group meets at the home of Gail Knapp and Lynn Thigpen in Spring Valley in the southwestern part of Las Vegas. Please contact Gail Knapp if you have questions at [email protected]. |