An LGBTQ Welcoming CongregationWe are a Welcoming Congregation, recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association. This means we affirm and include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer at every level of congregational life—in worship, leadership, ministries, programming, justice efforts, and social occasions—welcoming them as whole people.
As a Welcoming Congregation we have pledged to:
EVENTSFriday, June 28
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Sunday Services begin at 10:30 a.m. and are immediately followed by coffee/social hour
Competent nursery care is provided for youngsters The building is wheelchair accessible and equipped. We also offer assisted listening devices upon request. UUCLV is officially recognized as a
"Welcoming Congregation" through the Unitarian Universalist Association. We welcome and celebrate the presence & participation of people who are bisexual, gay, lesbian, straight, transgender, questioning, queer, and all affections. All will be welcomed! |
Contact UsOur office hours are by appointment only. Please email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
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