Our Whole Lives
AUGUST 6 from 4:00 - 5:00 PTAn overview of the Our Whole Lives(OWL) program for the caregivers of children in grades 4-6. We will talk about the philosophy and goals of the program, the content and dates for our upcoming sessions this fall, and answer any questions.
Please contact Rory for more information at [email protected] |
Sexuality Education is Lifelong Learning
Grade level series are presented through (Kindergarten-1st), (4th-6th), (7th-9th), (10th-12th), Young Adult, & Adult education classes. Our congregation maintains constant support and continued education towards nurturing safe boundaries and fostering a sexually healthy congregation.
Trained Facilitators at UUCLV
The Our Whole Lives program at UUCLV is led by screened religious professionals, members, and friends of our UUCLV community and have all successfully completed the formal facilitator training through the UUA.
The congregation offers OWL programs on an as needed basis when a critical mass of participants are committed.
The congregation offers OWL programs on an as needed basis when a critical mass of participants are committed.