Sunday Social Hour
The members and friends of the congregation often arrive about ten minutes early on Sunday mornings for conversation and coffee/tea.
Just before the worship service begins the Worship Associate rings a loud bell to invite those gathered to come to worship. Many people head through the main doors to the worship hall to be greeted by the minister, while others head to the door directly into the worship hall.
At the end of the worship service all are invited to head back into the fellowship hall for coffee/tea and snacks. We request a small donation to cover the costs of drinks, snacks, and our hospitality coordinator's salary. However, first time visitors are our guests.
The Social Hour is a wonderful opportunity for long time members, visitors, and friends to get to know each other.
Just before the worship service begins the Worship Associate rings a loud bell to invite those gathered to come to worship. Many people head through the main doors to the worship hall to be greeted by the minister, while others head to the door directly into the worship hall.
At the end of the worship service all are invited to head back into the fellowship hall for coffee/tea and snacks. We request a small donation to cover the costs of drinks, snacks, and our hospitality coordinator's salary. However, first time visitors are our guests.
The Social Hour is a wonderful opportunity for long time members, visitors, and friends to get to know each other.