Did you know you can help nominate future 50/50 recipients. Please contact Rosary at [email protected] or fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/
The UUCLV Discretionary Fund is used to assist members and friends of the Congregation and members of the larger community in meeting their basic living needs (such as shelter, food, utilities, medical) and other exigencies (such as transportation, fees). Funds may be given as a loan or a gift, depending upon the person’s ability and the circumstances. Donate with your debit or credit card with the button above or consider using bill pay on your phone’s bank app or sending in a check via snail mail. Did you know you can help nominate future 50/50 recipients. Please contact Rosary at [email protected] or fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/ post created October 2021
Friends of the Rainbow Company
Fifth Sun ProjectUpcoming Events at UUCLVClass #1 : WAR-TAX & ECONOMIC RESISTANCE @ the E Flamingo Library Class #2 : Direct Action @ UUCLV On a farce of July • 7/4/24 • 12-4pm Class #3 : Health & Safety @ UUCLV Sunday July 7th • 3pm - 7pm Class #4 : Disability justice and Security @ UUCLV Saturday July 13th • 10am - 2pm Class #5 : Community Legal Defense @ 6655 W Sahara Ave Friday July 19th • 5pm - 9pm Class #6: Self Defense and awareness @ UUCLV Saturday 7/27 @ 10am - 2pm
originally posted 4/30/2021
Wild West Access Fund of NevadaThe Wild West Access Fund of Nevada believes everyone should have the final say in their own reproductive decisions, and that power resides in our communities. They believes there should be no stigma in the choice to terminate a pregnancy. They work to ensure that all people seeking abortion in Nevada has access to abortion care by eliminating financial costs and other barriers to abortion care. They rely on donations of all sizes from the amazing Las Vegas community.
Wild West Access Fund of Nevada 561 Keystone Avenue #398 Reno, Nevada 89503 https://www.wildwestfund.org/ [email protected] The Solidarity FridgeThe Solidarity Fridge is a new mutual aid initiative that is committed to strengthening our community. Indigenous Food Warriors guided by their Ancestors & Rooted in Community. Visit, volunteer, or donate to their Community Pantry, Garden, Seed Share initiative, & the Free Library. 5502 Blackthorn Dr, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 89142 https://www.thesolidarityfridge.org/ http://www.instagram.com/thesolidarityfridge https://www.facebook.com/TheSolidarityFridge ![]() FROM THE WEBSITE: “We are each other's business; we are each other's harvest; we are each other's magnitude and bond.” Gwendolyn Brooks The Solidarity Fridge is a mutual aid initiative that is committed to strengthening our community bonds by addressing food insecurity, food deserts and cutting food waste within our city. The rules are simple; take what you need, leave what you can. Food is where we meet, where we are nourished. The stories of food inspire empathy, compassion and connection. Let’s continue to collaborate and get creative and innovative with what’s possible. Let's continue to grow and feel expansive and abundant. Our imaginations are limitless. I ask for our ancestors' permission and guidance as we continue to develop this important project and share it with our community. As always, thank you all so much for your support. I give thanks to each and every person that I get to do this vital work with. The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need money to pay it forward. You can contribute with food donations, volunteering, fridge upkeep, and reaching out to other businesses/orgs to recover surplus food. Help us keep this going by sharing! Love and Solidarity✊🏽 📍Nuwuvi Southern Paiute Land UUCLV Camp Scholarship Fund
Our camp scholarship fund can be used for Camp de Benneville Pines who offers different camps and UU retreats during all four seasons. It can also be used for a voucher with Camp Pride Tree for LGBTQ+ youth from June 27th through July 1st, 2024.
Ukrainian Families FundraiserUkrainian Families Fundraiser sponsored by Prairie UU in Parker, Colorado - Families have recently taken refuge in the USA and Prairie UU are holding a fundraiser so they may continue to offer them financial support. Our 50/50 Collection will go to help the families with their needs as they get started.
https://prairieuu.org/ Las Vegas TransPrideLas Vegas TransPride works on bringing Pride, Awareness, Remembrance, Celebration, Empowerment and Support to the Trans* Expansive community with little or no charge to the community. We strive on bringing community together in a safe place and offering various activities throughout the year that can bring the community together, and working alongside of the larger LGBTQ community.
http://lasvegastranspride.org/ https://www.facebook.com/LasVegasTransPride https://twitter.com/LV_TransPride 702.906.4608 [email protected] Nevadans For The Common Good
Every month, UUCLV splits it's plate donations during service with an area organization helping out. 22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION & Veterans Transition Resource Center22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION & Veterans Transition Resource Center (VTRC) 22 Warriors Foundation's Mission is to take ACTION to eliminate Suicides of Veterans &1st Responders. TWENTY-TWO Veterans lose their battle to stay alive every single day. A more accurate number is 35 or higher when you include older Veterans, less than honorably discharged Veterans, and those lost to drug and alcohol related deaths. 22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION is committed to addressing the issues that lie behind suicides, high risk behaviors, untreated mental illness, and lack of resources. We're raising awareness of this devastating epidemic and making 22 go to ZERO!
STREET TEENSThis month, UUCLV will share its 50/50 Donations with Street Teens A 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to assisting homeless, abandoned, and at-risk youth in the Las Vegas Valley since 2001.
Street Teens is dedicated to assisting homeless, abandoned, and at-risk youth in the Las Vegas Valley. Our primary goal is to meet the needs of our youth by providing essential wraparound services in a compassionate environment. Street Teens Drop-In Center Are you between the ages of 12 and 21 looking for assistance? Come in to our Drop-In Center to access the resources you need. We are open 7 days a week from 2pm to 6pm. 5599 S Pecos Road Las Vegas, NV 89120 Phone: 702-215-4171 Fax: 702-215-4187 Email:[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/streetteenslv https://www.instagram.com/streetteenslv/ Sylena Childhood Diabetes FundThis month, UUCLV will share its 50/50 Donations with the ![]() The Sylena Childhood Diabetes Fund assists Southern Nevada families with costs not covered by insurance including lancets, needles, co-pays and medication (such as insulin). A Case For Your Support Children with Type1 diabetes require insulin to survive. They also require test strips, lancets, alcohol swabs, needles/syringes, and insulin pumps. These costs add up for families, especially if they have multiple children with juvenile diabetes. Many families with multiple children afflicted with Childhood Diabetes end up sharing needles and insulin to make their limited supply stretch. Some families are lucky enough to have their child be able to wear the continuous blood sugar monitor and insulin pump yet the possibility of insulin shock remains constantly life threatening; these parents are typically checking the data being sent to their devices every 15 minutes around the clock. Sunrise Children’s Foundation 2795 East Desert Inn Road, Suite 200 Las Vegas, NV 89121 EHS 702-631-7130 ADMIN 702-731-8373 The Pride Tree is a non-profit organization that provides after school and summer programming to LGBTQ+ youth in the greater Las Vegas area. We believe that as the stewards of the future, it is our responsibility to provide safe and inclusive spaces for education, growth, exploration, and fun. 7995 Blue Diamond Road
STE #102 Mailbox #633 Las Vegas NV 89178 https://www.thepridetreelv.com Read about other charities we support here. Left of Center Art Gallery is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. LOC offers a wide spectrum of art experiences and events that reflect the diversity of the local community while also providing opportunities for artists from all over the country to share their work. Our goal is to make art more accessible to the surrounding neighborhoods by taking art to sites where it can enhance, educate, and bring a sense of local pride. We represent an ethnically diverse group of members and resident artists. LOC holds the belief that the visual arts can serve as an education tool to help teach respect and understanding for all cultures. Left of Center Gallery & Studio
2207 W Gowan Rd. No. Las Vegas, NV 89032 https://leftofcenterart.org Read about other charities we support here.
This month, UUCLV will share its 50/50 Donations with Three Square, our food pantry partners.
Three Square's MISSION is to provide wholesome food to hungry people, while passionately pursuing a hunger-free community. Their VISION is simple; No one in our community should be hungry. https://www.threesquare.org Phone: 702 644-3663 Email: [email protected] Read about other charities we support here.
Foster Kinship was established in 2011 to help the 33,000 children in Nevada living with relative caregivers, also known as kinship care. Foster Kinship was founded with a mission to strengthen the kinship caregivers’ capacity to provide safe, permanent, and nurturing homes for children. Foster Kinship is the only organization in Nevada exclusively serving grandparents and other caregivers of kinship children. https://www.fosterkinship.org [email protected] Las Vegas: (702) KIN-9988 / (702) 546-9988 Reno: (775) 374-4770 Toll-Free Helpline: (844) 810-1667 Read about other charities we support here. Would you like to support the families in the Foster Kinship Annual Christmas Gift Program? In honor of Kathy Espin, we invite you to support a family in the foster kinship program through purchasing gifts on their wish lists to make their holiday season special. If you would like to participate, please reach out to Rory ASAP. [email protected] Southern Nevada Adaptive Sports Foundation |
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas is sharing this months 50/50 donations with Habitat For Humanity |
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas is sharing this months 50/50 donations with The James Boys and Girls Club |
UU Value: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
Website: https://www.bgcsnv.org/clubhouses/james-club
Virtual Photo Tour: https://www.bgcsnv.org/images/clubhouses/James_Club_Virtual_Tour.pdf
Las Vegas Fridge of Hope |
Las Vegas Fridge of Hope works with religious and other non profit organizations to install and maintain community fridges. People who need certain refrigerated items can walk up to a community fridge and take what they need, no questions asked. Insta: @lv_fridgeofhope |
NPHY is the most comprehensive service provider for the thousands of young people experiencing homelessness in our community, providing access to |
NPHY falls under UUCLV's 2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas
is sharing this months 50/50 donations with
Camp de Benneville Pines
Camp de Benneville Pines welcomes UUs and kindred spirits to connect in nature, igniting creativity, and building capacity to influence positive change in the world. Camp de Benneville Pines was founded 59 years ago and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The majority of it's operational funds come from summer camps and camp rentals, all which have been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Camp de Benneville Pines needs to raise $600,000 in order to limp along for the next 18 months.
We are integral to the growth of our Unitarian Universalist faith and we are impactful:
for people, communities, and our environment.
We cherish and want to preserve our natural environment
We promote play and recreation in life-affirming ways
We encourage lifelong learning and spiritual growth
We build a beloved community
We change the world for the better
You can make your donation below.
UUCLV Pastoral Care Committee

is sharing this months 50/50 donations with
Las Vegas Catholic Worker
[email protected]
500 West Van Buren Avenue - Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Fostering a way of life that experiments with the power of radical gospel love in action, as a catalyst for lasting social and personal transformation.
The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
Please consider giving to this organization by
using the bill pay function on your phone’s bank app or
sending in a check via snail mail.
To set up your bill pay, all you need is our address
3616 E. Lake Mead Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89115
Did you know you can help nominate future 50/50 recipients.
Please contact Rosary at [email protected] or
fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/
Read about other charities we support here.
Rancho High School Homeless Advocate
Rancho High School Homeless Advocate
Rancho HS, 1900 Searles, LV, NV 89101
Angela Urquiaga, [email protected]
The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
Please consider giving to this organization by
using the bill pay function on your phone’s bank app or
sending in a check via snail mail.
To set up your bill pay, all you need is our address
3616 E. Lake Mead Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89115
Did you know you can help nominate future 50/50 recipients.
Please contact Rosary at [email protected] or
fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/
Read about other charities we support here.
Amy Brunell
Anti Racism
Back Lot
Board Of Trustees
Camping With UUCLV
Celebration Of Life
Chalice Circle
Chalice Home
Child Dedication
Christmas Eve
Circle Supper
Contra Dance
Earth Spirituality
Film Screening
Food Pantry
Friends Giving
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
Harvest Festival
Learning Together
Let It Shine
Men's Group
Notes From The Minister
Our Whole Lives
Pastoral Care
Religious Education
Reverend KC Slack
Sanctuary Of Solace
Social Justice Committee
Special Service
Sunday Service
Teri Schwartz
The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Transgender Day Of Remembrance
Transgender Day Of Visibility
Trunk Or Treat
UUCLV Health Ministry
UUCLV Service Auction
UUCLV Sponsored Events
UU Principles
Welcoming Congregation
Worship Associates
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022
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January 2022
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November 2020
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August 2020
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May 2020