This event has ended. UPDATEDear UUCLV Community, The Blood Drive on Sunday was a big success! It warmed our hearts that so many folks (34!) came out to support the Tetlow family and to provide much needed blood for the Las Vegas community. Members and friends of our church, friends and neighbors of the Tetlows, and others all joined in. Vitalant Blood Services tells us that the 30 units of blood donated will provide life-saving transfusions for 90 patients in the Las Vegas area. Thank you to all who donated blood and to the workers: Joanne Leovy, Robin Katz, Megan Walls, Kem Tetlow, and Jim Brustman for all your hard work. And our appreciation to Rev. Bailey for bringing this idea forward. Faith in action! The UUCLV Health Ministry will be planning more activities as we go forward. If you have ideas we should think about please let us or Joanne Leovy know. Stay tuned for other events and, of course, another blood drive in the future. In peace, Deborah Korol and Mary Jane Brustman Photos by J. Leovy The blood drive will support our church member Kem Tetlow’s three year old granddaughter Arabelle who is undergoing treatment for leukemia.
We need at least 30 volunteers to make this happen, so please donate. The whole process of donation is quick and easy. You can check for eligibility requirements and to receive more donation information. There is a critical shortage of blood due to the pandemic. Please share this survey to anyone you know who might be willing to donate. People who donate do not have to be church members. Friends and neighbors and family are welcome!! If you have any questions, please ask Deborah Korol at [email protected] Please fill out this form and click submit. from Sunday, February 27, 2022 |
The new realities are one-in-five Black Americans (21%) are not affiliated with any religion and, instead , identify as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” and this phenomenon is increasing generation by generation as we move farther away from traditional communities and seek out new ways to be in the world. Join us for a lively conversation with Muslims, Christians, UUs and more as we look to a new day with all of the people of the world sharing spiritual time together. |
#SundayService #Community #Zoom #hospitality #BlackReligions
Service Details
Introduction/Zoom Orientation - with Kem Tetlow Ringing the Bell - with Kem Tetlow
Welcome - with Kem Tetlow
Opening Words - with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey Land Acknowledgment - with Kem Tetlow
Chalice Lighting - “We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation.”
Community Spotlight Sharing with Bob Fenelon
Opening Song - The Spelman College Glee Club performs 'Wade in the Water' (arr. Kevin
Johnson) (See lyrics below)
Binnie Wilkin- Legend of the Black-Eyed Peas Of Our Hearts - with Kem Tetlow
Pastoral Reflection - Silent Meditation (1 minute)
Pastoral Hymn: Baba Yetu (By Christopher Tin) Lord's Prayer in Swahili - Alex Boyé, BYU
(See lyrics below)
Offering and Invitations - with Kem Tetlow
The Offering this month is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund (LINK).
"With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
Story for All Ages – Antiracist Baby
Music - Lift Every Voice and Sing, Howard University Gospel Choir (See lyrics below) Binnie WIlkin - Thezin
Sermon: Black UU’s a Multiplicity of Ideas, philosophies and Histories
with Rev. Dr .John Gilmore, Megan Walls, Vernon Bell, Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Closing Song - Cynthia Erivo - "Stand Up" - Oscars 2020 Performance (See lyrics below)
Binnie Wilkin - Children Are Crying
Benediction - with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Extinguish the Chalice
Postlude - Bob Marley Redemption Song (See lyrics below)
Announcements - with Kem Tetlow
Breakout rooms - with Kem Tetlow
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The calling, wherever it comes from, is there. The question is, will we answer?
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent
#SundayService #Community #Zoom #hospitality
Service Details
Ringing the Bell - with Margaret Johnston
Welcome – with Margaret Johnston
Opening Words with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
From The Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt
Land Acknowledgment with Margaret Johnston
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas wishes to acknowledge and honor the Indigenous communities of this region and recognize that the congregation is situated on the traditional homelands of the Nuwuvi, Southern Paiute People. We offer gratitude for the land itself, for those who have stewarded it for generations, and for the opportunity to worship, learn, work, grow and be in community with this land and her peoples. We encourage everyone in this space to engage in continued learning about the Indigenous peoples who work and live on this land since time immemorial, including the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe and the Moapa Band of Paiutes, and about the historical and present realities of colonialism. UUCLV believes it is important to recognize and appreciate the use of Southern Paiute land as part of its mission to be a welcoming and inclusive place for worship, spiritual enrichment, and exploration within the community.
Chalice Lighting -
“We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation.”
Community Spotlight Sharing with Lisa Bailey
Opening Song - What A Wonderful World - Louie Armstrong Cover by Abby Ward (See
lyrics below)
Of Our Hearts - with Margaret Johnston
Pastoral Hymn - Humble and Kind with Tim McGraw (Lyrics will be on the screen) Offering and Invitations – with Margaret Johnston
The Offering this month is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund (LINK). And now, please join me:
"With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
Story for All Ages – Chocolate MilkPor Favor by Maria Dismonty Reading – with Margaret Johnston
Connection as Resistance,
Musical interludE
Sermon: Coming to Understand We Need Others
with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey Words by Bill Gardner
Extinguish the Chalice
Announcements - with Margaret Johnston
Breakout rooms - with Margaret Johnston
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#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent
#SundayService #Community #Zoom
Service Details
Introduction- with Erin Mara
Ringing the Bell - with Erin Mara
Welcome - with Erin Mara
Opening Words and Land Acknowledgment with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Opening Song - Spirit of Life – All Souls Choir (See video below)
Chalice Lighting
Community Spotlight Sharing with Terri Boling
Of Our Hearts
Pastoral Hymn - #95 There Is More Love Somewhere - First Unitarian Brooklyn Choir (See video below)
Offering and Invitations – with Erin Mara
The Offering this month is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund (LINK).
Time for All Ages – When Aiden Became a Brother by Kyle Lukoff
Musical interlude
Reading - Multiple voices: Erin, Joanne/Jo, Kim, Lisa
Sermon: Love for the Entire World
with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Extinguish the Chalice
Announcements Breakout rooms
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Continuing Conversations: UUCLV February 2022
The Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey
Theme for February 2022- Widening the Circle
— Yuri Kochiyama
Indeed our survival and liberation depend upon our recognition of the truth when it is spoken and lived by the people. If we cannot recognize the truth, then it cannot liberate us from untruth. To know the truth is to appropriate it, for it is not mainly reflection and theory. Truth is divine action entering our lives and creating the human action of liberation.
— James Cone

The world around is different than it was a generation ago. Or even three years ago. The question is, how will our Unitarian Universalist faith keep up with the times? What choices will we make—or fail to make—and how will that affect the relevancy of UUCLV and the survival of this congregation as we approach our 70th anniversary?
Here are some of the realities which our faith exists in as we entered 2022:( Info from the UUA)
Our nation is moving away from institutional religion. According to the Pew Research Center:
Fewer people are participating in religious communities.
Emerging generations report higher rates of people not affiliated with institutional forms of religion, especially Christianity (those known as the nones because they have checked the “none” box when asked about religious affiliation). [1]
Increasingly, younger generations are the ones exiting religious institutions. While Unitarian Universalists often look at the slightly increasing number of people who identify as atheists and those who identify as not religious as an opportunity for us, some of the reasons appear to be tied to the nature of religious institutions as much as changing beliefs.
Unitarian Universalism is not immune: we too are losing congregations and have many teetering on the edge of collapse.
While we typically refer to 1,000 congregations, in truth we now have 819 congregations that would meet the standard to become a congregation today.
As institutional religion declines, more who enter our doors are not refugees from other faiths but are experiencing faith communities for the first time through our faith and are seeking spiritual ground.
The demographics of our nation have changed, and with them expectations around cultural competency:
We have seen an increase in the percentage of the population that is non-white. In California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas, white people are already not the majority. A US Bureau of the Census report that showed non-Hispanic white people as a minority by the year 2044 has been thought to lead to a dramatic political reaction. [2]
A growing number of people marry outside of their racial group, so the percentage of people who are multiracial is expected to increase significantly by the next Census count.
The globalization of economies and these demographic trends means more people are exposed to cultural competency expectations in schools and in the workplace, with many seeing competency as a necessary part of doing business in the twenty-first century. [3]
So dear UUCLV what does this mean for us? Shall we retreat and go back to the good old days? Shut our eyes to the realities around us? Maybe we can continue as we've been going and as our population grows older, and older we will die off? No harm, no foul, no widening of the circle? Or maybe, just maybe we are on to a new and exciting journey of discovery, deepening spirituality, civic/neighborhood engagement; dare I say the beginning of building of the “Beloved Community”.
So, this is Black History Month and as a Black man/minister I feel obligated to speak from my center and I feel it is necessary to bring a few of our other groups into the conversation. Maybe even centering those groups as the demographics may more clearly call us to attention here in Las Vegas/Clark Co to young adults and families, Latinx, GLBTQIA+ and Asian/Pacific Islanders in our midst.
Widening The Circle is more than a song, a phrase, or idea. It is what is right. How can we offer the words about inherent worth and dignity of others when we are not fully engaged with these other communities, ethnicities, age groups or theologies and the followers of them that are not typically found in our UU congregation.
This month let us open our hearts and minds, bodies and spirits to others. Let us finally get to working on the RENEWAL of the WELCOMING CONGREGATION. The time is now!
Let us commit to working with the Latinx communities in some tangible way. I heard a wise UUCLV person say recently that they would like to see a Spanish class offered here and I quipped that maybe along with that we could offer an English class as a second language offering. Meeting, greeting, engaging one another… what a novel idea. The time is now!
How about our connection to the fastest growing segment of Clark Co.? What can we do to ensure we are open and inviting to the Asian and Pacific Islanders in our midst? How do we say we see you, we honor you, we would like to be in relationship with you? The time is now!
Lastly, it is Black History Month and I'm going to use this opportunity to bring more of my cultures, both African American and Caribbean American, to the forefront. Look to our Facebook page every day in February for an offering from the many and diverse Black peoples of this nation and world as I share an insight from communities far and wide.
Widen the circle of concern. Share the beauty of our UU faith everywhere you go. Keep coming back to UUCLV in person when it is possible and until then join us in the virtual community as each and everyone of you is valued and treasured; for without you who are we?
The incomplete work on race within Unitarian Universalism as a denomination has marred our ability to move forward at a time when accountability, multicultural awareness, and inclusivity is becoming the new normal in the larger world. Engagement in this type of development is deep spiritual and faithful work that allows for growth and change. We need change at the personal and interpersonal levels. Most of all we need to make systemic changes that can be ongoing and lasting.
The newer generations in our nation are increasingly at risk according to many reports, including the 2019 World Happiness Report, which singled out a dramatic and disturbing decline in health and happiness, especially for younger US citizens. [4]
The deliberations to date by the denomination have convinced many of us of this: What is at stake is nothing less than the future of our faith.
In peace and love,
Rev Gordon
Amy Brunell
Anti Racism
Back Lot
Board Of Trustees
Camping With UUCLV
Celebration Of Life
Chalice Circle
Chalice Home
Child Dedication
Christmas Eve
Circle Supper
Contra Dance
Earth Spirituality
Film Screening
Food Pantry
Friends Giving
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
Harvest Festival
Learning Together
Let It Shine
Men's Group
Notes From The Minister
Our Whole Lives
Pastoral Care
Religious Education
Reverend KC Slack
Sanctuary Of Solace
Social Justice Committee
Special Service
Sunday Service
Teri Schwartz
The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Transgender Day Of Remembrance
Transgender Day Of Visibility
Trunk Or Treat
UUCLV Health Ministry
UUCLV Service Auction
UUCLV Sponsored Events
UU Principles
Welcoming Congregation
Worship Associates
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