Dearly beloved UU family and dear friends,
Here is something deeply embedded in me. I saw the second plane hit the Twin Towers. I lost two friends in the Twin Towers. My sense of security has never been the same since the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center came down.
Nineteen years ago today, New York, Washington, DC, a small Pennsylvania community and our nation as a whole was forever changed. We lost almost three thousand people- husbands, wives, children, friends, lovers and neighbors. From the time the first plane struck, our lives have never been the same. And the pain and suffering did not end in 2001.
Thousands of families suffer each and every day as they live without the people they love.
Today let's honor, let's remember and let's reflect, but even more let’s remember it's our duty to act.
Can we commit ourselves to securing peace within ourselves?
Do we have the desire to stop the insanity of violence that permeates our nation?
Today I’m asking myself and all people everywhere if we truly want peace? If so we must behave in a different way. If so we need faith and hope. Maybe it's looking back for answers?
Shall we in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr: “With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” For it is going to take more than words, more then laws, more than political endeavors to change our society. I believe that faith is the instrument of hope. Dr King certainly stood for the power of love and faith, exercised by the masses, to bend the arc of justice. Where are you my friends? Where are we? What kind of world do you want to see?
So today, 9/11/20 I want to honor all of the freedom seekers. And today I want to honor all people that have lost their lives unjustly.
Today I am honoring those that seek love, seek peace, seek justice for all.
In this time of ugliness all around us, in this time of anger, let's remember what makes this country of ours great is the diversity and the complexity of our union. This union is made of every kind of people. We, all kinds of people have paid a price for the lives we lead here. This land is mine, it's yours, it's for our beautiful children and their children.
Let’s remember to do what is right, what makes things better. Let’s let our light shine and continue our march towards a more perfect union and world for all!
In faith, hope and love,
Rev Gordon Clay Bailey