Blooming in the Desert
Afternoon Workshop

Afternoon Workshop
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Facilitated Rev.Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
The Mojave desert is a harsh environment for life. The animals and plants that evolved here along with the peoples that have adapted, all thrive because they do things differently than those in places with more temperate, rainy weather. Due to broad American cultural changes, changes in Las Vegas, and changes in your own cast of characters, the people of UUCLV have had to adapt—and adapt fast! And yet, you’ve managed to get many metaphorical flowers blooming this spring.
This workshop will be an opportunity to be in conversation with your religious community about all the good things that have helped you be resilient as a congregation, and to dream together about finding that “sweet spot”—that energizing overlap—between who UUCLV authentically is, and what the desert people of Las Vegas deeply need.
Sarah Gibb Millspaugh is our congregation’s primary contact on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Pacific Western Region staff. A Unitarian Universalist minister for 19 years, she has served as a congregational minister, a regional staffer, and a curriculum developer, having authored and edited pieces of Our Whole Lives, Tapestry of Faith, and the UUA’s Coming-of-Age program for youth. Sarah comes to us from San Diego. |