The chalice represents our Unitarian Universalist faith and, in a nutshell, bringing our UU faith into our homes is what this journey is all about. Instead of going to the congregation's building, we are bringing church into our homes! It’s also a reminder that church isn’t just a place we go to but something we carry with us wherever we go.
Ariel Sublett and Rory Solomon will talk about a new program we are trying out where we invite you to create a chalice altar in your own home, and carve out some time for personal, and family, worship and connection.
This is a program from Soul Matters and is being used by UUs around the country.
Join us and ask questions, get ideas, and find out if this is an experience you would like to share in.
If you would like to receive the emails with the monthly packet full of details on setting up your chalice, rituals and worship, please message/email Rory Solomon or Ariel Sublett at [email protected]
More information: https://www.uua.org/beliefs/who-we-are/chalice