Continuing Conversations
Fall 2020
"People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy." — Anton Chekhov
Greetings dear UU’s, family, friends, and soon to be acquaintances.
Welcome to the first of four seasonal columns. My continuing conversations have been offline since summer and I'm finally ready to delve back into the dialogue about subjects ranging from Unitarian Universalist theology to interpersonal relationships. Along with the usual and very UU things I’d like to engage in this late summer and fall. I’m looking at the political issues facing our state and nation. I can't help but pay attention to climate change and the effects that the changing realities are bringing us. Lastly I’m trying the thematic approach to monthly worship and engagement and here are some headings to keep in mind-
September: Renewal,
October: Deep Listening and
November: Healings.
As always I've got lots to say maybe, in fact, too much, but nevertheless here we go - let's have a deep and abiding time engaging our faith, seeking more connections with our partners in seeking justice and in this time of Covid 19, finding ways to stay healthy, have fun, and stay connected to one another.
So, here we go. Yes, this is new. Yes, this is strange. Yes, we will survive even the worst of times if we hold onto the light; Hold onto our joys; Hold onto the love and promise of better days ahead.
As I sit here now, I’m learning of Ruth Badger Ginsburg's death. Our nation has sustained a great loss. She has been a tower of strength and resilience; a caretaker of our precious Constitution. She will be missed, but she has shown us by her actions, by her grace, by her indomitable will, that if you keep your resolve you can persevere in the midst of mind-numbing ignorance.
I'm giving my time this season to getting to know you, Las Vegas, Clark County, and Nevada. I am involved with DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries) and hope to open a chapter here in our beautiful community for POC who feel UUism is for them. I am on the CENTER Committee of the UUMA (Unitarian Universalist Minister Association). The Mission of C.E.N.T.E.R. is to design and deliver excellent continuing education that inspires, nurtures, and transforms members of the UUMA (our ministers).
I am honored to serve CENTER as it is a resource for the UUMA and the UUA in its mission to organize, plan and support collegial networks of education and training for our UUA clergy.
I am a member of CPSP (College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy). This is a credentialing body of clergy and chaplains, psychotherapists and pastoral counselors that teach, preach, provide mental health services and offer care in the midst of the lives of people far and wide, rich and poor, and people of all faith across our country. I will be looking to develop a connection for this body within our fair city.
So dear UU’s and friends, your willingness to engage with me is critical for my immersion into our beloved UUCLV and into this region. I've got to be on point about how I learn, grow and absorb knowledge about each of you and about the needs of our community.
So, let's look at each other via zoom and in small groups and let's dance a bit with each other; maybe on a monthly zoom dance party, and let's get to building the very best UUCLV we can possibly create and live into the wonderful mission of this congregation that says -
As a beacon in the desert,
we gather as a multi-generational, spiritual community
to build a place of love, acceptance, and justice
dedicated to worshiping, learning, and working together here and throughout southern Nevada.
We started the year at UUCLV (the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas) with our opening service last Sunday with the Water Communion.
So, let's go! Let's dance! Let's engage! Let's bring about a new season for UUCLV. One in which we go beyond our wildest imaginations. A renewed connection to our vision, mission, and covenant for our beloved congregation.
All in all, we are on the move and we are offering worship services, volunteer opportunities, and fun that should excite children and families and bring our community closer together. Ours is a faith that goes out into the world offering hope. Let's keep Hope, Faith, and Love alive as we remember our relationships, stay mindful of all around us, and find ways to express gratitude for the lives we share.
In faith,
Rev Gordon Clay Bailey