Learning Together: Find Ways To Comfort Yourself
Saturday, November 28 - Starting at 4 PM

Healing takes work, but our faith also reminds us that healing involves being gentle with ourselves. When our feelings have been hurt and we’re feeling sad and lonely, sometimes the best thing to do is comfort ourselves. One way might be comfort food. Another way might be to spend time with a beloved pet. So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of healing? It tells us to “Find ways to comfort
We will each be making a quick comfort soup in our own homes during this session. Here are the ingredients:
- 1 can chicken soup (or substitute veggie or vegan soup)
- Extra water (at least one cup)
- 1 pkg chicken ramen noodles ( or substitute veggie or vegan ramen)
- Canned vegetables such as beans, corn, carrots
- Precooked rice packets or instant rice
- Crackers for eating with (oyster crackers are traditional)
If you have any questions or would like to help lead an activity, please let us know.
Email us at admin at uuclv.org
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #Healing #LearningTogether #ReligiousEducation #gentleness #comforting #comfort