Learning Together: Step Away from Busyness
Our faith reminds us that the winter holidays are a time for beauty, peace and stillness.
Our culture has turned it into a time of commercialism, debt, and stress. It takes an
effort to step away from the media messages that buying things and busily planning events will make us happy. So what’s one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of stillness? It tells us, “Step away from the busyness!”
We will be talking about noise and stillness, singing with Lea, looking at snow and snowflakes, and exploring ways to step back, reduce stress, and create joy this holiday season.
If you have any questions or would like to help lead an activity, please message us at [email protected].
Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87942752264 - please message us for the Zoom password
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #stillness #holidays #busyness