The Blood Drive on Sunday was a big success! It warmed our hearts that so many folks (34!) came out to support the Tetlow family and to provide much needed blood for the Las Vegas community. Members and friends of our church, friends and neighbors of the Tetlows, and others all joined in. Vitalant Blood Services tells us that the 30 units of blood donated will provide life-saving transfusions for 90 patients in the Las Vegas area.
Thank you to all who donated blood and to the workers: Joanne Leovy, Robin Katz, Megan Walls, Kem Tetlow, and Jim Brustman for all your hard work. And our appreciation to Rev. Bailey for bringing this idea forward. Faith in action!
The UUCLV Health Ministry will be planning more activities as we go forward. If you have ideas we should think about please let us or Joanne Leovy know. Stay tuned for other events and, of course, another blood drive in the future.
In peace,
Deborah Korol and Mary Jane Brustman
Photos by J. Leovy
We need at least 30 volunteers to make this happen, so please donate. The whole process of donation is quick and easy. You can check www.vitalant.org for eligibility requirements and to receive more donation information. There is a critical shortage of blood due to the pandemic.
Please share this survey to anyone you know who might be willing to donate. People who donate do not have to be church members. Friends and neighbors and family are welcome!!
If you have any questions, please ask Deborah Korol at [email protected]
Please fill out this form and click submit.