Remembering Our Dead, Honoring the Fallen
from 12:00 PM
with The Reverend
Gordon Clay Bailey
THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE can be difficult to deal with at any time. But in the era of COVID-19, when physical, or social, distancing is the norm, family and friends wanting to pay their last respects to the deceased face special challenges.
We at UUCLV have had losses within our community and members of our congregations have experienced loss of their loved ones. Let us on this last day of 2020 take time to remember, reflect. And honor our dead and the countless souls who have left this life this year.
UUCLV will be holding Virtual Worshipful Gatherings until such a time that we can come together in-person again.
You can join us at on Thursday afternoon starting at 11:50 AM to stay connected with the local congregation. Please send a message for the password. [email protected]
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #HonoringTheDead #HonoringTheFallen #Loss #Covid19 #2021 #Challenges