The calling, wherever it comes from, is there. The question is, will we answer?
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent
#SundayService #Community #Zoom #hospitality
Service Details
Ringing the Bell - with Margaret Johnston
Welcome – with Margaret Johnston
Opening Words with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
From The Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt
Land Acknowledgment with Margaret Johnston
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas wishes to acknowledge and honor the Indigenous communities of this region and recognize that the congregation is situated on the traditional homelands of the Nuwuvi, Southern Paiute People. We offer gratitude for the land itself, for those who have stewarded it for generations, and for the opportunity to worship, learn, work, grow and be in community with this land and her peoples. We encourage everyone in this space to engage in continued learning about the Indigenous peoples who work and live on this land since time immemorial, including the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe and the Moapa Band of Paiutes, and about the historical and present realities of colonialism. UUCLV believes it is important to recognize and appreciate the use of Southern Paiute land as part of its mission to be a welcoming and inclusive place for worship, spiritual enrichment, and exploration within the community.
Chalice Lighting -
“We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation.”
Community Spotlight Sharing with Lisa Bailey
Opening Song - What A Wonderful World - Louie Armstrong Cover by Abby Ward (See
lyrics below)
Of Our Hearts - with Margaret Johnston
Pastoral Hymn - Humble and Kind with Tim McGraw (Lyrics will be on the screen) Offering and Invitations – with Margaret Johnston
The Offering this month is shared with the Minister’s Discretionary Fund (LINK). And now, please join me:
"With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
Story for All Ages – Chocolate MilkPor Favor by Maria Dismonty Reading – with Margaret Johnston
Connection as Resistance,
Musical interludE
Sermon: Coming to Understand We Need Others
with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey Words by Bill Gardner
Extinguish the Chalice
Announcements - with Margaret Johnston
Breakout rooms - with Margaret Johnston
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