Showing Up For Racial Justice
You can't fix what you can't see.
3616 East Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89115
If you are unable to join us live because of concerns for your health or other reasons, please join us online at Zoom.
You can join us at Zoom here:
The password is chalice.
The Zoom room opens at 10:25 AM.
Worship begins at 10:30 AM
Click here to submit your announcements.
UUCLV Food Pantry Fund & Hygiene Supply Drive
Help us to purchase more and better foods for our monthly food pantry and donate items for personal hygiene, baby supplies, can openers, and pet supplies. Our food pantry occurs every 3rd Saturday of the month; next date is March 16th. Distribution begins at 8am. Volunteer are always welcome starting at 7:00am.
Order of Service |
Gift Box with Susanna Monette
Reading with Bonnie Mitchell
Prayer for While in The Struggle by Rev. Margalie Belizaire
Sermon Part One with Susanna Monette
White Supremacy (adapted from Layla Saad’s Book: Me & White Supremacy)
Music Video: Racists by Anti-Flag
Reading with Bonnie Mitchell
The Bridge Poem by Donna Kate Rushin
Sermon Part Two with Susanna Monette
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Stewardship with Deborah Korol
Offering | UUCLV Food Pantry with Donna Mead
Congregational Response: With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community.
Be the Light by Lea Morris
Benediction with Susanna Monette
We Are Not Done by Rev. Audette Fulbright Fulson
Chalice Extinguishing with Donna Mead
Congregational Response: We release that which was called with love and gratitude, and we extinguish the flame, but not our commitment to being a beacon in the desert. This burns brightly until we gather again.
Announcements with Donna Mead
Postlude: We Shall Overcome Someday performed by Mahalia Jackson