3616 East Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89115
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The password is chalice.
The Zoom room opens at 10:25 AM. Worship begins at 10:30 AM
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#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #SundayService #Community #Zoom
People of Change: Unitarian Universalists don't stand pat; we move!
with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey & Mairin O'Steen
Opening words with Mairin O'Steen
Prelude with Maggie Mooha
Welcoming Words with Mairin O'Steen
Ringing of the Worship Bell
Chalice Lighting with Mairin O'Steen
- Congregational Response:
- "We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation."
- Invitation to Join the Journey by Lyn Cox
Opening Song/Hymn - #123 Spirit of Life
UUCLV Reflection – Covenant
Wisdom to Grow With: Top Speeches on Gender Equality
Of Our Hearts with Mairin O'Steen
Pastoral Reflection with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
- Interfaith Prayer for the World by Claudene Oliva
Why I Love UUCLV with Karin Metalf
Offering and Invitations with Mairin O'Steen
- Congregational Response:
- "With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
- Harnessing Our Anger by Glennon Doyle
Closing Song/Hymn: #1021 Lean On Me
What you can do for UUCLV with Maggie Mooha
Call to Action with Mairin O'Steen
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
- #696 SLT by Mary Oliver
- Congregational Response:
- "We release that which was called with love and gratitude, and we extinguish the flame, but not our commitment to being a beacon in the desert. This burns brightly until we gather again."
- Next week's service is:
- The Allocation of Greed: Personal & Corporate Transformation with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey.