Remembering, Redirecting, Rewarding |
#SundayService #Community #Zoom #Easter
Service Details
Introduction/Zoom Orientation/Welcome with Keri Pool
Ringing the Bell
Welcome with Keri Pool
Chalice Lighting
Opening Words with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Hymn/Song: Morning Has Broken by Yusef/Cat Sevens (3:19) (Lyrics will be on the screen)
Land Acknowledgment with Keri Pool
Passing the Peace: Flowers or Chocolate ( sharing chocolate/other treat and Easter Lilies with our folks in person). People will walk to the front pick up what they like and sit back down) Spirit of life instrumental (2:01)
Of Our Hearts with Keri Pool
Pastoral Reflection with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Pastoral Hymn: Sending You Light by Melanie Demore (3:39) (See lyrics below)
Offering and Invitations with Keri Pool
The Offering this month is shared with Foster Kinship (LINK).
Story for All Ages: The Cautious Caterpillar (5:09)
Sharing: On Spring with Teri Boling
Hymn/Song - Love Will Guide Us with Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Director of Worship & Music and Allison Halerz, Pianist-in-Residence (1:58) (Lyrics will be on the screen)
Reading with Keri Pool
Sermon: Remembering, Redirecting, Rewarding with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Closing Song: Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder (3:11) (See lyrics below)
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Extinguish the Chalice
Postlude: Bridges Instrumental
Announcements with Keri Pool
Let’s Talk About It: Choose your own breakout room with Keri Pool
Video Details: 00:07 Land Acknowledgment 01:15 Passing the Peace 02:11 Of Our Hearts 04:14 Pastoral Reflection 06:34 Offering and Invitations | 07:57 Sharing: On Spring with Teri Boling 14:30 Reading with Keri Pool 18:18 Sermon: Remembering, Redirecting, Rewarding with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey 34:18 Benediction 35:54 Extinguishing the Chalice |
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