Lessons from Caregiving
In this service, I’ll pass along the lessons I've learned.
UUCLV Sunday Service Order of Service
Lessons from Caregiving
with Kem Tetlow & Hilary Howarth
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Welcoming Words with Hilary Howarth
Ringing of the Worship Bell
Chalice Lighting
- Congregational Response
- "We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation."
Land Acknowledgment with Hilary Howarth
*Opening Song/Hymn - Enter, Rejoice and Come in #361 with Maggie Mooha on the piano and Mairin O’Steen as Song Leader
Wisdom To Grow - Lessons from Geese: Line of One
Of Our Hearts with Hilary Howarth
*Pastoral Hymn/song - Wake Now My Senses, verses 1, 2, 3 #298 with Maggie Mooha on the piano
Offering and Invitations with Hilary Howarth
- The Offering this month is shared with 22 WARRIORS FOUNDATION & Veterans Transition Resource Center (VTRC)
- Congregational Response:
- "With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
- “A Dialogue on Aging and Caregiving” by Tess Baumberge
- Lessons from Caregiving
Call to Action with Hilary Howarth
Benediction with Kem Tetlow
Extinguishing the Chalice with Hilary Howarth
- Congregational Response:
- “We release that which was called with love and gratitude, and we extinguish the flame, but not our commitment to being a beacon in the desert. This burns brightly until we gather again.”
Postlude - Carry On My Sweet Survivor by Peter, Paul and Mary