Families Matter Here! (Religious Education Sunday)
3616 East Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89115
If you are unable to join us live because of concerns for your health or other reasons, please join us online at Zoom.
You can join us at Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84823621393
The password is chalice.
The Zoom room opens at 10:25 AM. Worship begins at 10:30 AM
Click here to submit your announcements.
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #SundayService #Community #Zoom #ReligiousEducation #family #families #children
Las Vegas TransPride works on bringing Pride, Awareness, Remembrance, Celebration, Empowerment and Support to the Trans* Expansive community. Read more here.
Order of Service for June 11, 2023
Ringing the Bell with Nina Kuzniak
Prelude: Nina Kuzniak
Welcoming Words with Nina Kuzniak
Chalice Lighting
- Congregational Response
- "We light the chalice as a reminder that together we are a beacon in the desert. May its light lead the way to love, acceptance and justice as we strive for personal and societal transformation."
Land Acknowledgment with Mark Bergtholdt
Opening Hymn/Song: Mark Bergtholdt
UUCLV Reflection - Sources with Mark Bergtholdt
Wisdom To Grow with Mark Bergtholdt
Of Our Hearts with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Pastoral Reflection with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
*Pastoral Hymn/song
Offering and Invitations with Nina Kuzniak
- Congregational Response
- "With gratitude for the abundance in our own lives, we give for the life of this congregation and the benefit of the larger community."
*Closing Song/Hymn: Mark Bergtholdt
What you can do for UUCLV with Mark Bergtholdt
Call to Action with Mark Bergtholdt
Benediction with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
Extinguish the Chalice with The Reverend Gordon Clay Bailey
- Congregational Response:
- “We release that which was called with love and gratitude, and we extinguish the flame, but not our commitment to being a beacon in the desert. This burns brightly until we gather again.”