Harvesting Stories
Aug 2, 2020 @ 10:30 AM Pacific
A Lay-Led Worship with Terri Boling
Come worship with the UU's!
Our multigenerational service centers around this time of first harvest when the grains and first fruits become ready. Stories will be shared to reinforce the abundance and gratitude of the season. You are welcome to set up an altar at home ahead of time to illustrate this in a personal way.
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #SundayService #Lammas #Lughnasadh
Visit our event invite on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1635010299998559/
Service Details
Lynsea Montanari, Narragansett Tribal member, shares the story “Strawberry Thanksgiving” in this video. https://youtu.be/3CDxybVgKrE
Singing Together: #1000, “Morning Has Come” composed by Jason Shelton
Morning has come, arise and greet the day!
Dance with joy and sing a song of gladness!
The light of hope here shines upon each face.
May it bring faith to guide our journey home.
A new day dawns, once more the gift is giv’n.
Wonder fills this moment shared together.
The light of peace here shines upon each face.
May it bring faith to guide our journey home.
Open our eyes to see that life abounds;
open hearts to welcome it among us.
The light of love here shines upon each face.
May it bring faith to guide our journey home.
Chalice Lighting
Of Our Hearts
Pastoral Reflection & Silence
At this time may you imagine a sea of golden wheat pushing to and fro in the breeze, ready for harvest. Now envision a vine heavy with fruit, ready for the picking. Perhaps, you see grape clusters hanging heavy, becoming ripe and ready to sustain you. What grains and fruits do you enjoy? (pause) As we move into a time of silence, may the seeds of the harvest be in your mind’s eye, ready to sustain you in this journey of life. Today we share with you stories to bring abundance of the earth to your awareness. Let us enter into the spirit of prayer or meditation followed by about 2 minutes of silence.
Pastoral Hymn: #123, Spirit of Life by Carolyn McDade
Spirit of Life, come unto us.
Sing in our hearts all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;
move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold us close; wings set us free;
Spirit of Life, come to us, come to us.
Story: “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle
Told during service by Kellylynn Charles
Offering and Invitations
Story for All Ages by Binnie Tate Wilkin
“Pulling Up Yams”
Hymn: #1070, “Mother I Feel You”
Mother I feel you under my feet,
Mother I hear your heart beat,
Heya heya heya ya heya heya ho,
Heya heya heya heya heya ho
Mother I hear you in the river song,
Eternal waters flowing on and on,
Father I see you when the eagle flies,
Light of the Spirit, gonna take us higher.
Reflection/Sermon: “Luna”
Closing Song: #163, “For the Earth Forever Turning” by Kim Oler
For the earth forever turning; for the skies, for ev’ry sea;
for our lives, for all we cherish, sing we our joyful song of peace.
For the mountains, hills, and pastures in their silent majesty;
for the stars, for all the heavens, sing we our joyful song of peace.
For the sun, for rain and thunder, for the seasons’ harmony,
for our lives, for all creation, sing we our joyful praise to Thee.
For the world we raise our voices, for the home that gives us birth;
in our joy we sing returning home to our bluegreen hills of earth.
Benediction and Extinguish the Chalice
A Harvest Of Gratitude #656
Words by Percival Chubb
Once more the fields have ripened
to harvest, and the fruitful earth has
fulfilled the promise of spring.
The work of those who labor has
been rewarded: They have sown
and reaped, planted and gathered.
How rich and beautiful is the
bounty gathered: The golden grain
and clustered corn, the grapes of
purple and green,
The crimson apples and yellow
pears, and all the colors of orchard
and garden, vineyard and field.
Season follows after season, after
winter the spring, after summer the
harvest-laden autumn.
From bud to blossom, from
flower to fruit, from seed to bud
again, the beauty of earth unfolds.
From the harvest of the soil we are
given occasion to garner a harvest of
the heart and mind:
A harvest of resolve to be careful
stewards of all life’s gifts and
A harvest of reverence for the wondrous
power and life at work in
things that grow, and in the soul.
A harvest of gratitude for every
good which we enjoy, and of
fellowship for all who are sustained
by earth’s beauty.”