and the Uprisings This Time
Aug 9, 2020 @ 10:30 AM Pacific
with Special Guest Speaker: Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
Come worship with the UU's!
Reflecting on a still emerging explicitly Black Unitarian Universalist theology and the nonstop uprisings across the country since May of 2020 will equip us to lean boldly into the demands that are being made of us a people of faith. Further, clearly stating our shared beliefs and how they align with or run counter to these demands is essential for the work ahead of us. Come worship with us as we consider some of the groundwork necessary to fully articulate a Black Unitarian Universalist theology that allows us to participate accountably in the uprisings this time and next.
About Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, MEd, CRE–ML is a Master Level Credentialed Religious Educator and Aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry. He serves on the Board of Trustees of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). In this time of physical distancing, Greg misses spending time with his mother and godson and going to movie theaters. Greg also works as the Coordinator for More Than Sex-Ed, a Greater LA-based sexuality education collective that brings the UUA- and United Church of Christ comprehensive sexuality education curriculum, Our Whole Lives, to schools, home school groups and the greater community.
Photo: DC Protests - June 6, 2020 by Kyle T. - CC BY 2.0
#UUCLV #UU #UnitarianUniversalist #UnitarianUniversalism #UUCLVEvent #SundayService #BlackUnitarianUniversalistTheology #BlackLives #BlackLivesMatter #theology #GregoryCarrowBoyd #GregBoyd #uprising #protests
Service Details
Singing Together: “Eyes on the Prize”
Paul and Silas bound in jail, had no money for to go their bail.
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Paul and Silas began to shout
The jail door opened and the walked out
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Got my hand on the gospel plow, wouldn't take nothing for my journey now.
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
The only thing that we did wrong stay in the wilderness for so long.
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
The only thing that we did right, was the day that we began to fight.
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Hold on, Hold on, Hold on,
Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on
Chalice Lighting
You are welcome here
Of Our Hearts
Pastoral Reflection & Silence
Story for All Ages - “Something Happened in Our Town”
Story by Marianne Celano, Marietta
Collins and Ann Hazzard. Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin
Pastoral Hymn: #396 “I Know This Rose Will Open”
Offering and Invitations
“How Can I Keep From Singing” Words Traditional, Tune by Robert Lowry - Performed by the NYC Virtual Choir and Orchestra
Reflection/Sermon with Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd
On Black Unitarian Universalist Theology and the Uprisings This Time
Closing Song: #108 “My Life Flows On In Endless Song”
Words Traditional, Tune Robert Lowry, Verse 3: Doris Plenn, Performed by Glen Thomas Rideout
Benediction and Extinguish the Chalice