The Spirit of Winter Solstice
The Spirit of Winter Solstice |
3616 East Lake Mead Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89115
If you are unable to join us live because of concerns for your health or other reasons, please join us online at Zoom.
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The Zoom room opens at 10:25 AM. Worship begins at 10:30 AM
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Foster Kinship
Nationally recognized, Foster Kinship is the only non-profit in Nevada exclusively serving families caring for the children of relatives. Foster Kinship has proudly served over 6,000 children and 3,000 families across Southern Nevada. By helping to “keep home in the family” for these vulnerable children, Foster Kinship envisions a safe and healthy childhood for ALL children in kinship care.
Order of Service: The Spirit of Winter Solstice with Donna Mead and Margaret Johnston for December 17, 2023

Announcements and Welcome Words with Margaret Johnston
Greeting & Ringing the Bell with Margaret Johnston
Land Acknowledgment with Donna Mead
Chalice Lighting with Margaret Johnston
Special Chalice lighting for Yule by Yvonne Aburrow
Lighting of the Wreath with Max
Opening Words/Invocation with Donna Mead
Winter Solstice quote from Frederick Lenz
Opening hymn: The Solstice Carol by The Wyrd Sisters: Video by Merrigan
Story Time with Rory
The Legend of the Deer Mother (Based on an Ancient Northern Legend)
Of Our Hearts Reading with Donna Mead
Of Our Hearts Anointing with Donna Mead
Holiday Medley with Maggie Mooha
Pastoral hymn: The Face of The Crone by special guest; The Musical Teapot
Reading with Margaret Johnston
Charge of the Winter Mother (adapted from Yule Ritual @ The Sophia Center)
Offering with Margaret Johnston
Music: The Christmas Bells by Loreena McKennitt
Gift box with Donna Mead
Sermon with Donna Mead
Inspired by and excerpts from
Closing song: Silent night, Solstice night with Maggie Mooha
Call to Action with Margaret Johnston
Benediction with Donna Mead
Poem: Jack Frost and Crystalline by Sean Mychael Rice
Chalice extinguishing with Margaret Johnston
Announcements with Margaret Johnston
Postlude: Carol of the Bells on piano with Maggie Mooha
Please remain seated, there is a town hall meeting immediately following the service to discuss the new budget.
Worship Leader – Donna Mead
Worship Associate – Margaret Johnston
Piano – Maggie Mooha
Storyteller – Rory Soloman
Song Leader - Margaret Johnston
Musical Guest – The Musical Teapot