UUCLV Fundraising Events
Beaver Nature Walk $10 per person - 11 spots
Beginning Tarot Reading $10.00 - 3 spots
Dog Friendly Nature Walk $10 per person - 16 spots
Fire & Marshmallows $5 per person - 5 spots
Game Day $10 Individual, $20 per family
How to make GREAT Outdoor Meals $25
Lee Canyon Snow Play Day $40.00 - 4 spots
Play with Clay - CLASS $30.00 - 3 spots
Pumpkin Carving $5 per person - 6 spots
Airport Round Trip $60 - 1 spot
SERMON TOPIC $150 - 2 spots
Six Secrets Soiree for Healthy Living $25.00 - 2 spots
Small Dog Pet Sitting $30
Storytelling Class $20.00
Temple Cookbook - Goddess Recipes $5.00 - 1 copy
PURCHASE & VIEW ITEMS HERE - Scroll to the bottom
Photo: Beaver by CatDancing CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED
The fundraising committee requires your help!
Contact us at [email protected] for more information.